Friday, January 28, 2005
scarier fishes
Some people didn't think the fishes I put up the first time were scary enough, so here's the rest of them. Enjoy!
his eye is so disproportionately large in comparison to his body...i think these guys make their own light from their bellies so as not to be seen from below.

RAWR! i think this is one of those Angler Fishes who has a lure above his head, like in Finding Nemo

Tsunami finds
A friend of mine sent me an email with pictures of all these sea creatures that had washed ashore after the tsunami.
Check out the creepy crawlers they found on beaches after the tsunami.These things are incredibly creepy, and I didn't even post pictures of all of them that were sent to me. Yikes!
Apparently, several of these have never even been discovered!!
Scientists are having a field day! You may never go back into the ocean.
No wonder people use to believe in monsters.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Thursday, January 06, 2005
This is my second trip to Tennessee, and I don't have nearly the amount of pictures this time as I did last time. Don't know whether to apologize or to accept your gratefulness. Anyway, these were all taken up by the Roan Mountains (I think!!), and it was just before a light mist/rain came through, so the clouds were really thick and it was quite pretty. Enjoy!
Creepy entrance to this weird wooded area on the way up the bald...Wes said it reminded him of Fanghorn Forest...

Ahhh, so pretty (I think these are just the Appalachians, but they might be the Great Smokies...I'll check with Wes.)